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Pies and Pastries

(or Peascod, peas-cod)

A type of whet, or appetiser. A Kickshaw

An old word for pea-pods, known at least since Langland 1390, used for a form of very tiny pasty in the shape of a pea-pod with fillings such as spiced apple or dried fruits with bone-marrow, fried. Differing from Frians only in shape (Huswife 1594, etc)

Fruit-filled peascods
Image: aniam.co.uk

Original Receipt in 'The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin' 1594 by Thomas Dawson, (Huswife 1594)

To make Pescods.
MAke your past with fine flower, and yolks of Egs, make it short and drive it thinne. Then take Dates, Corrans & marrowe, and cut them lyke Dice, and season them with salt because of the marrow a litle: then put in Synamon, Sugar and Ginger, make your past as you doe for the Frians in Butter or suet, & serue them in.

To make Pescods another.
TAKE Apples, and mince them small, take Figs, Dates, Corrans, great Raisons, Sinamon, Ginger, and Sugar, mince them, and put them all together, and make them in litle flat peeces, and frie them in Butter and Oyle.

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