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Sorrel Sauce

Sauces and Spicery

Chopped sorrel leaves, wilted in butter, cream added. An accompaniment to fish and lamb (Mollard 1802, Eaton 1822, etc)

Original Receipt from 'Modern Cookery for Private Families' by Eliza Acton: (Acton 1845)

Strip from the stalks and the large fibres, from one to a couple of quarts of freshly-gathered sorrel; wash it very clean, and put it into a well-tinned stewpan or saucepan (or into an enamelled one, which would be far better), without any water; add to it a small slice of good butter, some ppper and dt, and stew it gently, keeping it well stirred until it is exceedingly tender, that it may not bum; men. drain it on a sieve, or press the liquid well from it; chop it as fine aa possible, and boil it again for a few minutes with a spoonful or two of gravy, or the same quantity of cream or milk, mixed with a halfteaspoonful of flour, or with only a fresh slice of good butter. The beaten yolk of an egg or two stirred in iust as the sorrel is taken from the fire will soften the sauce greatly, and a saltspoonful of pounded sugar will also be an improvement

See also: Wood Sorrel

Common Sorrel, Rumex acetosa
Photo: 'Burschik'

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