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Redcurrant Jelly

Sauces and Spicery

Served with game and roast meat (Soyer 1845, Acton 1845, etc)

Original Receipt in 'A Shilling Cookery for The People' by Alexis Soyer (Soyer 1845);

Currant Jelly.- Put in a pan half a sieve of fresh gathered currants, with the stalks; add to it a gill of water; put on the fire, and boil till every currant has opened; then pass the juice through a sieve or cullender, and to every quart put one pound of white sugar; boil fast and skim, and when the preserve Logins to stick to the spoon, and is quite clear, fill your preserve pots, and cover over when cold; but, to be sure, try some on a plate before potting. If it sots well it is done; a few raspberries added is an improvement.

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