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Lady Albergavere's Cheese


A salted soft cheese (WM 1658)

Original Receipt in WM 1658;

To make the Lady Albergaveres Cheese.
To one Cheese take a Gallon of new Milk, and a pint of good Cream, and mix them well together, then take a Skillet of hot water as much as will make it hotter then it comes from the Cow, then put in a spoonfull of Rennet, and stir it well together and cover it, and when it is come, take a wet Cloth and lay it on your Cheese-Mot, and take up the Curd and not break it; and put it into your Mot; and when your Mot is full, lay on the Suiker, and every two hours turn your Cheese in wet Cloathes wrung dry; and lay on a little more wet, at night take as much salt as you can between your finger and thumb, and salt your Cheese on both sides; let them lye in Presses all night in a wet Cloth; the next day lay them on a Table between a dry Cloth, the next day lay them in Grasse, and every other day change your Grasse, they will be ready to eat in nine dayes; if you will have them ready sooner, cover them with a Blanket.

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