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Her Majesty's Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Set vanilla custard strewn with mixed stewed fruit

Original Receipt from Acton 1845


Infuse in a pint of new milk half a pod of Vanilla, cut into short lengths, and bruised; simmer them gently together for twenty minutes, and strain the milk through muslin to half a pint of cream; put these again on the fire in a clean saucepan, with three ounces of fine sugar, and pour them when they boil, to the beaten yolks of eight very fresh eggs. Stir the mixture often until it is nearly or quite cold, and boil it as gently as possible for an hour in a well-buttered mould or basin that will just hold it. Let it stand for five minutes at least before it is turned out; dish it carefully, strew, and furnish it thickly with branches of preserved barberries, or send it to table with a rich syrup of fresh fruit, or with clear fruit-jelly, melted. We have had often a compote (see Sweet Dishes) of currants, cherries, or plums served, and greatly relished with this pudding, which we can recommend to our readers as an extremely delicate one. The flavouring may be varied with bitter almonds, lemon rind, noyau, or aught else which may be better liked than the vanilla.

New milk, 1 pint; vanilla, 1 pod: 20 minutes. Cream, 1 pint; sugar, 8 oz.; yolks of eggs, 8: 1 hour.

Obs; - The cook must be reminded that unless the eggs be stirred briskly as the boiling milk is gradually poured to them, they will be likely to curdle. A buttered paper should always be put over the pan before the cloth is tied on, for all custard puddings.

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