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Scotch Oysters


Patties of minced veal with spices, fried or baked and served with gravy and pickles.

The origin of the term 'Scotch Oysters' is entirely obscure, and has also been used for a reviving drink of raw egg with Worcester sauce and pepper.

Original Receipt in 'English Housewifry' by Elizabeth Moxon, 1764 (Moxon 1764)

283. To make SCOTCH OYSTERS.

Take two pounds of the thick part of a leg of veal, cut it in little bits clear from the skins, and put it in a marble mortar, then shred a pound of beef suet and put to it, and beat them well together till they be as fine as paste; put to it a handful of bread-crumbs and two or three eggs, season it with mace, nutmeg, pepper, and salt, and work it well together; take one part of your forc'd-meat and wrap it in the kell, about the bigness of a pigeon, the rest make into little flat cakes and fry them; the rolls you may either broil in a dripping-pan, or set them in an oven; three is enough in a dish, set them in the middle of the dish and lay the cakes round; then take some strong gravy, shred in a few capers, and two or three mushrooms or oysters if you have any, so thicken it up with a lump of butter, and serve it up hot. Garnish your dish with pickles.

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