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Lammy Pie

Pies and Pastries

A meat pie, the composition of which is best judged from the following story, repeated in many early 19th Century works, and here from 'Rambles in Western Cornwall' by JO Halliwell (1861) ...

A story is told by Warner of a cockney traveller, who, having a mind to see the world, a journey to Cornwall was something in those days even in the way of travelling, strayed down as far as St. Ives in his tour. He entered a public-house there in the evening, and called for supper. "Have you any beef for a steak?"
"No," was the oracular answer.
"Any veal for a cutlet?"
"Any mutton for a chop?"
"What! no meat!"
"No, an please your honour, except a nice lammy-pie, which was baked to-day."
The traveller, ravenous as the grave, licked his lips at the prospect of so nice a thing as a cold lamb-pie, and ordered it up. With hunger for a sauce, he had never relished a meal more heartily. But he paid a heavy penalty in dreams, the occasion of which, however, was a mystery to him until after the next morning's breakfast.
"Well, sir," said the ostler, seeing he was a stranger, "how did you like mistress’s lammy-pie last night?"
"Excellent," replied he, "it was the best lamb I ever tasted."
"Lord love ye," returned John, "it was not that; lammy-pie is not made of lamb."
"Why, what the devil was it then ?" inquired the perplexed traveller.
"Why, our poor kiddy, to be sure," rejoined the other, "who died yesterday of the scab."

WP Jago, in his 'The ancient language and the dialect of Cornwall' of 1882 says of Lammy-Pie that; "This dainty dish is obsolete."

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