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Windsor Soup


Windsor Soup (Potage á la Windsor), or White Windsor Soup, is based on a light stock thickened and made white with, in different versions, rice, potato, sago or cream.

See also: Brown Windsor Soup

Original Receipt adapted from 'Guide to the Art of Modern Cookery' By Auguste Escoffier (Escoffier 1903)


Blanch and cool one small, boned calf's foot, and cook it gently in a good white-wine mirepoix. Prepare one and one half pints of "Creme de Riz" (No. 711), and add thereto the cooking-liquor of the calf's foot, strained through muslin.

Finish this cream, when about to serve, with an ordinary leason, one and one-half tablespoonfuls of a slight infusion of turtle-soup herbs, and one and one-half oz. of butter.

Garnish with a julienne of half of the calf's foot and twenty small quenelles consisting of a puree of hard-boiled egg-yolks and chicken forcemeat, these two preparations being in the proportion of two-thirds and one-third respectively.

Nottingham Evening Post - Saturday 16 May 1942

This version uses sago and mashed potato.

Original Receipt in the 'Reform Cookery Book' (4th edition) by Mrs. Mill (Mill 1909)

White Windsor Soup.

Take 4 breakfast cupfuls white stock or water, add 6 tablespoonfuls mashed potato and 1 oz fine sago. Stir till clear and add 1 breakfast cup milk and some minced parsley. Let come just to boiling point but no more. If water is used instead of stock some finely shred onion should be cooked without browning in a little butter and added to the soup when boiling. Rub through a sieve into hot tureen.

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