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Walnut Loaf


Soda-raised sweet cake containing chopped walnuts, now usually with chopped dates, baked in a loaf form. Known since news references of the 1930's

By Alex Bray...

Claimed by J.Salmon to be a specialty of Kent.

Original Receipt from the 'Be-Ro' flour cookbook.

Date & Walnut Loaf
12 slices

8 oz dates
pinch bicarbonate of soda
1/4 pint boiling water
3 oz margarine
3 oz caster sugar
1 medium egg, beaten
8 oz Be-Ro Self Raising Flour
3 oz walnuts, chopped

1 Heat oven to 180ºC, 350ºF, Gas Mark 4. Grease and line the base of a 1 kg (2 lb loaf tin.
2 Chop the dates, add the bicarbonate of soda and pour the boiling water over them.
3 Cream the margarine and sugar, beat in the egg.
4 Stir in the flour and nuts, and lastly the dates.
5 Place mixture evenly in the tin. Bake for about 11/4 hours until firm.

See: Walnut Cake

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