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Very light thin crisp cake of white wheatflour, baked between wafer-irons. Wafers were formerly often eaten with wine, now chiefly with ices, or as the support for a macaroon.

Known at least since 'The Vision of Piers Plowman' by William Langland Langland 1390 which has; "Alle Londoun I leue liketh wel my wafres."

Original Receipt in Archi 1658;

Take Rose-water or other water, the whites of two egs and beat them and your water, then put in flower, and make them thick as you would do butter for fritters, then season them with salt, and put in so much sugar as will make them sweet, and so cast them upon your irons being hot, and roule them up upon a little pin of wood; if they cleave to your irons, put in more sugar to your butter, for that will make them turn

Original Receipt in 'The Art of Cookery Made Easy and Refined' By John Mollard (Mollard 1802)


Take a table spoonful of orange flower water, a table spoonful of flour, the same of good cream, sifted sugar to the palate, and a dessert spoonful of syrup of cinnamon; beat all the ingredients together for twenty minutes; then make the wafer-tongs hot, and pour a little batter just sufficient to cover the irons; bake them over a slow fire, and when taken from the tongs roll them round, and preserve them in a dry place.

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