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The Regent's, or George The Fourth's, Punch


Mandarin, lemon, Seville orange, sugar, pineapple, green tea, rum, brandy, arrack and champagne, iced (Acton 1845, Mrs.B, etc)

Original Receipt from 'Modern Cookery for Private Families' by Eliza Acton (Acton 1845);

The Regent's, Or George The Fourth's, Punch.
Pare as thin as possible the rinds of two China oranges, of two lemons, and of one Seville orange, and infuse them for an hour in half a pint of thin cold syrup; then add to them the juice of the fruit. Make a pint of strong green tea, sweeten it well with fine sugar, and when it is quite cold, add it to the fruit and syrup, with a glass of the best old Jamaica rum, a glass of brandy, one of arrack, one of pine-apple syrup, and two bottles of champagne; pass the whole through a fine lawn sieve until it is perfectly clear, then bottle, and put it into ice until dinner is served. We are indebted for this receipt to a person who made the punch daily for the prince's table, at Carlton palace, for six months; it has been in our possession some years, and may be relied on.

Rinds and juice of 2 China oranges, 2 lemons, and of 1 Seville orange; syrup, 1 pint; strong green tea, sweetened, 1 pint; best old Jamaica rum, arrack, French brandy (vieux cognac), and pineapple syrup, each 1 glassful; champagne, 2 bottles. In ice for a couple of hours.

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