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Sweet White Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Sweet white mixture, such as bread scraps soaked in milk, suet, boiled long-grain rice, currants, sugar, rose water and sweet spices bound with egg, filled into skins and boiled (Moxon 1764, etc)

Original Receipt in 'English Housewifry' by Elizabeth Moxon, 1764 (Moxon 1764)

159. To make WHITE PUDDINGS in Skins.
Take half a pound of rice, cree it in milk while it be soft, when it is creed put it into a cullinder to drain; take a penny loaf, cut off the out crust, then cut it in thin slices, scald it in a little milk, but do not make it over wet; take six eggs and beat them very well, a pound of currans well cleaned, a pound of beef-suet shred fine, two or three spoonfuls of rose-water, half a pound of powder sugar, a little salt, a quarter of an ounce of mace, a large nutmeg grated, and a small stick of cinnamon; beat them together, mix them very well, and put them into the skins; if you find it be too thick put to it a little cream; you may boil them near half an hour, it will make them keep the better.

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