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Spinach and Eggs


Stewed spinach with poached eggs on. Known since Glasse 1747, who adds a garnish of orange segments and melted butter.

Original Receipt in Raffald 1769;

To dress Eggs and Spinage
PICK and wash your spinage in several waters set a pan over the fire with a large quantity of water throw a handful of salt in when it boils put your spinage in and let it boil two minutes, take it up with a fish slice and lay it on the back of a hair sieve, squeeze the water out and put it in a tossing pan with a quarter of a pound of butter keep turning and chopping it with a knife till it is quite dry then press it a little betwixt two pewter plates cut it in the shape of sippets and some in diamonds; poach your eggs as before and lay them on your spinage and serve them up hot. NB You may boil brocoli instead of spinage and lay it in bunches betwixt every egg.

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