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Savoury Puffs

Pies and Pastries

Now usually small rectangles of puff pastry, corner-to-corner half-folded over minced meat filling and baked.

Known at least since the 'Hampshire Telegraph', Saturday 13 October 1883. This slightly later version from Scotland is remarkably similar to the now popular 'Findus Crispy Pancakes'...

Original Receipt from 'Falkirk Herald' - Wednesday 9 September 1896

Savoury Puffs.—Mince half a pound of cold cooked veal, freed from skin and gristle, and mix with it two ounces of minced ham, season well with cayenne pepper, salt, and a little grated lemon-peel. Beat, up two eggs and work into the mixture, adding sufficient herbs to flavour delicately. Cut some rounds of thin pastry, arrange the mixture on one half, press the other over, and, pinch the edges together. Dip into beaten egg, then into bread-crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Drain very dry, and serve in a circle round a pile of boiled French beans.

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