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Foods with connections to the English Royal Family.

Abingdon Buns - Bakewell Tart - Battenberg Cake - Birch Wine - Black Worcester Pear - Boodle's Fool - Bread Sauce - Brown Windsor Soup - Bull's Eyes - Bury Simnel Cake - Butter Pie - Jubilee Cherries - Chiddingly Hot Pot - Colston Buns - Consommé Princess Alice - Coronation Chicken - Denby Dale Pie - Dorking Fowl - Duck and Peas - English Wine - Gofers - Gooseberry Fool - Grog - Henry VIII's Rabbit Sauce - Holmby Cup - Hot Cross Buns - Hydromel - Ice Cream Cornet - India Pale Ale - Jubilee Chicken - Kitchels - Lancashire Hotpot - - Fish - Loving Cup - Madam Plancy's Marmalute - Maids of Honour - Marmite - Marrow Toast Victoria - Michaelmas Goose - Mincemeat (Sweet) - Osborne Pudding - Parsnip Pie - Plum Shuttles or Valentine Buns - Poor Knights of Windsor - Portland Pudding - Poularde Eduoard VII - Queen Mother's Cake (1) - Queen of Puddings - Rhubarb - Rock of Gibraltar Cakes - Sandwich - Savoury Herbs - Scouse or Lobscouse - Shandygaff - Sherry - Sirloin of Beef - Sole Edward VII - Sturgeon - Sturgeon - Suffolk Cheese - Roast Swan - Twelfth Cake - Victory V - Wedding Cake - Young England Pudding - Yule Bread -

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