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Red Mullet Liver


Mullet liver, usually fried, is considered a delicacy, which is why mullet are often sold ungutted.

'Hints for the table: or, The economy of good living' by J. Timbs (1859) has; "The red mullet (soldiers as they have been called), are sometimes bought on our western coast for sixpence each; and the large ones (called sergeants), for eighteen-pence. Indeed, so cheap have they been, that it was no uncommon thing to see an epicure taking the liver out of his mullet to apply it as sauce to his John Dory, leaving the flesh to more vulgar palates. What would the Romans have said to this ...
The flesh of mullet is white, firm, and of good flavour; and being free from fat, is easy of digestion. A large mullet may be cut into fillets, and fried, and served with sliced cucumber. The livers are the only sauce to be eaten with mullet; and Apicius had a method of suffocating the fish in the garum sociorum, and afterwards making a rich sauce of their livers."

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