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Small, individual, very crisp, batter puddings, cooked in fat in a very hot oven and so-called because, in cooking the sides tend to rise and pop over the centre, forming something near to a hollow shell. Popovers were formerly served as an accompaniment, as a separate dish with butter, jam and lemon, or as a breakfast dish and were promoted during WWII as an alternative to potatoes. They are now very rare in England, but have a continuing popularity in parts of the USA.

Popover of the sort still made in the United States
Image: Jeremy Noble from St. Paul, USA

'The Naulahka - A Story of West and East ' by Rudyard Kipling has; "After a month at sea ... he was prepared to value the homely family meal, and the abundance of an American breakfast. ... the coffee and the hot brown pop-overs, with their beguiling yellow interiors, were reminders far too deep for tears."

Original Receipt from 'Northampton Mercury' - Saturday 18 May 1889

Popovers.-Two teacups of flour, two cups of milk, two eggs, 2oz. of butter, and a pinch of salt. Rub the butter into the flour, add the milk gradually, stir in the eggs (well beaten) last. Half fill small tins which have been previously warmed and buttered. Bake 15 minutes.

Popovers are analogous to the small Yorkshire puddings of the type now commonly served with roast beef, to distinguish them from the large Yorkshire Pudding served as a starter or a light meal in itself.

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