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Paper Wafers


Very thin, paper-like, sheets sugar egg and juice, rolled to produce a very fine tube (Nutt 1789)

Original Receipt from 'The Complete Confectioner' by Frederick Nutt, 1789 (Nutt 1789)

No. 43. Lemon Wafers,

Tx\KE six lemons, and squeeze into an earthen pan; pound and sift some double refined sugar and mix it with the lemon juice ; put one white of an egg in with it, and mix it up well together with your wooden spoon, to make it of a fine thickness ; take some sheets of wafer paper, and put one sheet of it on a pewter sheet, or tin plate, put a spoonful on, and cover the sheets of wafer paper all over with your knife ; cut it in twelve pieces, and put them across a stick in your hot stove, with that side the paste is on uppermost, and you will find they will curl ; when they are half curled, take them off very carefully and put them up endways in a sieve, that they may stand up ; let them be in the hot stove one day, and you will find they will be all curled and then they are done.

No. 44. Barberry Wafers.

BARBERRY wafers are made the same way as your lemon wafers, only when you have made as many lemon wafers as you want, mix a little cochineal with the rest of the paste, to make it of a fine pink colour, and if it should be too thin, put a little powdered sugar with it, and dry them the same way as the lemons.

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