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Oatmeal Blood Pudding

Game and Offal

Blood puddings (Black Puddings) with a high proportion of oatmeal and flavouring herbs.

Original Receipt in 'The Accomplisht Cook' by Robert May, 1660 (Robert May 1660);

To make blood Puddings
Take the blood of a hog, while it is warm, and steep in it a quart or more of great oatmeal groats, at the end of three days take the groats out and drain them clean; then put to these groats more then a quart of the best cream warmed on the fire; then take some mother of time, spinage, parsley, savory, endive, sweet marjoram, sorrel, strawberry leaves, succory, of each a few chopped very small and mix them with the groats, with a little fennel seed finely beaten, some peper, cloves, mace salt, and some beef-suet, or flakes of the hog cut small. Otherways, you may steep your oatmeal in warm mutton broth, or scalding milk, or boil it in a bag.

Original Receipt in Rabisha. 1661;

Steep Oatmeal in warm Milk three of four hours, then strain some blood into it of fish or flesh, mix it with Cream, and add to it suet minced small, sweet herbs chopped fine, as Tyme, Parslee, Spinnage, Succory, Endive, Strawberry-leaves, Violet-leaves, Pepper, Cloves, Mace, fat Beef suet, and four Eggs, mingle all together, and so bake it.

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