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Norfolk Plough Pudding

Pies and Pastries

Suet pastry topped pudding filled with pork sausage meat, chopped bacon and onion with sage and sugar, steamed. Served at the traditional start of spring ploughing, Plough Monday, the first after twelfth night.

Plough Pudding

Original Receipt from article in Tractor Magazine at www.tractormagazine.co.uk.

Recipe for Norfolk Plough Pudding – makes four portions
230g self-raising flour, salt
70g suet, shredded
450g pork sausage meat
8 rashers streaky bacon, chopped
1 large onion, peeled and chopped
1 tsp sage, chopped
15g brown sugar
Water or pork stock

In a bowl, mix together the flour with the suet and a good pinch of salt. Knead in sufficient cold water to make a soft dough. On a slightly floured surface roll out the dough and line a greased pudding basin with two-thirds of the dough. Set the remaining dough aside.

Evenly place the sausage meat on the bottom of the base and press down firmly. Mix the bacon, onion, sage and sugar and place the mixture over the sausage meat. Add sufficient water or stock just to cover.

Roll out the remaining dough to form a lid, place on top and press the edges firmly together. If necessary, use a little cold water to fix. Cover with a round of greaseproof paper and seal tightly with aluminium foil. Place the pudding basin into a pot of boiling water so that the water comes up to about three-quarters of the basin. Place the lid of the pot on and steam 31/2 to 4 hours.

Preparation time:

15 min, Cooking Time: 4hr
Serve with boiled potatoes, vegetables and gravy.

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