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Mint Jelly

Sauces and Spicery

Light-consistency jelly with chopped mint. Served with lamb as an alternative to Mint Sauce

Original Receipt in the 'Tamworth Herald' - Saturday 22 August 1903

MINT JELLY. This is quite a new idea, and will make a pretty garnish to cold meat. It is used in the place of the ordinary mint sauce, and, to my thinking, is much preferable to mint sauce served with cokl meat. I do not advise it for hot mutton or lamb, for I think here the sauce is tbe best. Steep a cupful of finely-chopped mint for an hoar in a scant cup of vinegar sweetened with three tablespoonfuls of sugar. Dissolve a little sheet gelatine in water, stir into the mint sauce, pour into tiny moulds, and put aside to seit firm.

Mint Jelly
Image: www.ocado.com

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