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Ling Pie


Layers of ling (a fish of the cod family) with egg and under a pastry lid (Rundell 1807, White 1932, etc)

Original Receipt from Hannah Wooley's 'The Queen-like Closet' (Wooley 1672)

135. To make Pasty of a Joll of Ling.

Make your Crust with fine Flower, Butter, cold Cream, and two yolks of Eggs:
Roul it thin and lay it in your Bake-pan, then take part of a Joll of Ling well boiled, and pull it all in Bits, then lay some Butter into your Pasty and then the Ling, then some grated Nutmeg, sliced Ginger, Cloves and Mace, Oysters, Muscles, Cockles, and Shrimps, the yolks of raw Eggs, a few Comfits perfumed, Candied Orange Pill, Citron Pill, and Limon Pill, with Eringo Roots:
Then put in white Wine, and good store of Butter, and put on a thick lid, when it is baked, open it, and let out the steam.

Original Receipt from www.yorkguides.co.uk

How to Make Ling Pie

For 4 people, you will need:
1 lb (450 g) ling
1 oz (25 g) plain flour
Salt and pepper
4 oz (100 g) bacon
2 hardboiled eggs
1 small onion
1/2 pint (300 ml/l 1/4 cups) milk
12 oz (350 g) puff pastry

Cut the ling into four pieces.
Give it a coating of flour and season with salt and pepper.
Place in buttered ovenproof dish.
Chop the bacon and slice the eggs and onions and add these to the dish.
Pour over the milk.
Roll out the pastry to make a lid.
Brush with milk or beaten egg to glaze.
Bake in a hot oven (425°F/220°C Gas Mark 7) for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature (350°F/180°C Gas Mark 4) and cook for a further 20 minutes, until the pastry is well risen and golden brown.

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