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Jugged Steak

Pot Meals

Beef cooked in a sealed pot.

Original Receipt in 'Shields Daily Gazette' - Saturday 28 May 1892

Jugged Steak.—Beat two pounds of steak with a rolling-pin, place the meat a jar in the oven, with enough stock thickened with flour to cover it ; add an onion with the peel on, a few cloves, pepper and salt to taste bake it for four or five hours. When you dish the steak, pour the gravy over it through a sieve. The skin of onions colours whatever meat it is placed with, the knowledge of which saves much trouble in all dishes where it is not necessary to slice onions.

Original Receipt from 'Blackburn Standard' - Saturday 15 July 1899

Jugged Steak. — Cut a piece of beefsteak into slices, roll them, and arrange them in a stone jar. Add two onions stuck with cloves, a of wine, pepper and salt to taste, and cover closely. Place the jar in a pan of boiling water, and let it sim- mer till the meet is tender. The meat tastes like jugged hare. Do not add any water in cooking

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