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Ising Pudding


Oatmeal soaked in cream with suet, whole egg and spices in a skin, boiled (Huswife 1594)

Original Receipt in 'The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin' 1594 by Thomas Dawson, (Huswife 1594)

To make Ising puddings.
TAKE a platter full of Otemeale grotes clean picked, and put thereto of the best Creame sodden that ye can get, blood warme, as much as shall couer the grotes, and so let them lie and soake three houres, or somewhat more, till they haue drunke vp the Cream, and the grotes swollen and soft withall. Then take sixe Egges whites and yolkes, and straine them faire into your grotes: then take one platterfull and a half of beefe suet, the skin cleane pulled from it, and as small minced as is possible. So that when ye haue minced it, you must largelie haue one platterfull and a halfe, & rather more than lesse: then mingle these wel among your grotes then season them with some salt and some Saffron: & if ye will put in Cloues and Mace: then fill your Puddings, but not too ful, and see they be faire washed and sweet, and beware that ye pull not away too much of the fat within, for the fatter they be within, the better it is for the Puddings: also if ye finde too much Creame left among the grotes, after they haue lyne foure houres: then put out part of it, and so seeth vp your puddings.

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