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Gala Pie

Pies and Pastries

Long, rectangular-formed hot-water crust pie filled with salted spiced chopped pork (sometimes with chicken). Usually cut when cold into slices for sale.

Gala Pie without egg
Image: www.wilsonsbutchers.co.uk

Usually, but not exclusively, made with egg along the centre of the meat. The egg portion is formed from a distinctive 'long egg' made by cooking egg white and yolks in a tube to ensure that every slice contains a neat round of cooked yolk and white.

We can't find any reference to Gala Pie before about 1980. The method of manufacturing 'long egg' was patented by Frank Shires in 1970, and in 1974 the Danish 'Sanovo' Company produced the first automated long-egg machine, mainly, it seems, to supply the need for neat egg slices on Scandinavian salads and Japanese sushi.

Pork and Egg Pie Slice

See also: Ascot Pie

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