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Fresh Cheese


Any of several very young, soft, cheeses.

Original Receipt in 'A True Gentlewomans Delight' by 'WJ', 1653 (Gent.Delight 1653)

To make a fresh Cheese: Take a pint of fresh cream set it on the fire, then take the white of six eggs, beat them very well, and wring in the juyce of a good Lemon into the whites, when the cream seeths up, put in the whites, and stir it about till it be turned, and then take it off, and put it into the cheesecloth, and let the whay be drawn from it, then take the curd and pound it in a Stone morter with a little Rose water and Sugar, then put it into an earthen Cullender, and so let it stand till you send it to table, then put it into a dish, and put a little sweet cream to it, and so serve it in.

Original Receipt from 'Countrey Contentments, or, The English Hus-wife' by Gervase Markham, 1615 (Markham 1615)

To make fresh Cheese

To make an excellent fresh Cheese, take a pottle of Milk as it comes from the Cow, and a pint of Cream: then take a spoonful of Runnet or Earning, and put it unto it, and let it stand two hours; then stir it up, and put it into a fine cloth, and let they Whey drain from it: then put it into a bowl, and take the yelk of an Egg, a spoonful of Rose-ater, and bray them together with a very little Salt, with Sugar and Nutmegs, and when all these are brayed together, and searst, mix it with the curd, and then put it in the Cheese-fat with a very fine cloth.

See: Cambridge Cheese

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