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Duke of Buckingham's Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Boiled suet pudding with raisins, nutmeg and ginger, served with a wine sauce.

George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham

Original Receipt from 'The lady's assistant for regulating and supplying her table' by Charlotte Mason (Mason 1777)

Duke of Buckingham's Pudding

HALF a pound of suet chopped fine, a quarter of a pound of raisins stoned and chopped, two eggs, a little nutmeg and ginger, two spoonfuls of flower, a little sugar to the taste, tie it close, boil it four hours at least, serve it with melted butter, sack, and sugar.

Original Receipt in 'A modern system of domestic cookery, or, The housekeeper's guide' by M Radcliffe. (Radcliffe 1822)

Duke of Buckingham's Pudding.

Take a pound of finely shred suet, a quarter of a pound of raisins stoned and chopped, two eggs, with a little nutmeg and ginger, and sugar to the palate: tie it close; boil it four hours; and serve it up with melted butter, mountain wine, and sugar.

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