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Dorset Cream Toast

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Slices of bread soaked in an egg, cream and lemon batter, fried. Served with caster sugar and quarters of orange, like pancakes. Similar to Poor Knights.

Known only from British Food Trust who claim it to be a seventeenth century recipe.

Original Receipt adapted from British Food Trust

This seventeenth century recipe is a very rich version of eggy-bread. It is similar to 'Poor Knights of Windsor' and was also known as Panperdy after the French 'pain perdu' - lost bread.

Serves: 6

150 ml Single cream ( 1/4 pint)
1 Egg yolk
1 Teaspoon Sugar
1/2 Lemon, zest only
6 Slices French bread, 5mm thick
2 Eggs
15 Gram Butter, for frying (1/2 oz)
2 Tablespoon Sunflower oil, for frying
Caster sugar
1 Orange, quartered, to squeeze on the 'toasts'

Beat together the cream and egg yolk with the teaspoon of sugar and the lemon zest. Pour this mixture over the bread and let it soak in.
Beat the eggs lightly in a bowl.
Dip the slices of bread into the beaten egg and fry them on each side, until golden brown, in foaming butter and oil.
Serve with caster sugar and quarters of orange, like pancakes.

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