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Cream Scones

Cakes and Scones

See: Scones

Round scones made with white flour with eggs and cream (or evaporated milk) (White 1932), or...

Original Receipt in 'The modern baker, confectioner and caterer' Edited by John Kirkland, London, 1907

Cream Scones
What are usually called cream scones are made from the following:

4 lb. flour.
3/4 lb. butter.
1/2 lb. castor sugar.
2 1/4 oz. cream of tartar.
1 oz. bicarbonate of soda.
About 1 pt. milk.

Make all up into a smooth clear dough as for the former scones, scale off in 5i-oz. pieces, pin round to 7 in. diameter, and place upon greased baking sheets. Wash over twice with egg and bake in a hot oven. When these scones are partly baked, and may be handled without spoiling the shape, turn them over on the baking sheet, and return again to the oven to finish. Care must be taken that they are not allowed to bake too much before turning.
In London one of the largest tea-shop companies makes a speciality of such scones, which are made from the following mixture: 8 lb. London Teasoft flour, 2 oz. bicarbonate of soda, 4 oz. cream of tartar. Shop Scones.

30 oz. lard, 18 oz. sugar, 12 oz. sultanas, 4 1 pt. milk. These are greasy unless handled with care, but they eat very soft.

Afternoon tea small scones of the same sort, but cut in four pieces, are made thus:

4 lb. flour.
2 oz. cream of tartar.
6 oz. lard.
1 oz. bicarbonate of soda.
10 oz. castor sugar.
1 qt. milk.

Weigh up and mix all together, scale off in 7-oz. pieces, pin out to 8 in. diameter, cut in four, and place on a baking sheet. Wash over with egg, and finish as for large cream scones.

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