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Countess Morphy's Croquettes


Several different forms of potato croquette have been given this name. British Food Trust supplies a receipt for potato mashed with bacon fat, butter and a little flour, formed the size of corks and fried.

They appear to derive from the book 'Recipes of all nations' by Countess Marcelle Morphy, published in New York in 1935, which includes among 'Recipes from the French West Indies':

"CROQUETTES DE PATATES. The "patate" in question does not belong to the potato family. It is tropxolum tuberosum, the tubers being larger than those of the ordi-nary potato, bright yellow with streaks of reddish purple running from the eyes. They are slightly sweet and highly nutritious. Several varieties of it are grown in the West Indies. The croquettes are made from boiled patates rubbed through a sieve, mixed with yolks of egg and milk, the whites, beaten to a stiff froth, being added with a seasoning of chopped parsley, salt, and pepper. The mixture is shaped into croquettes, and these are fried in hot oil."

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