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Coffee Fudge

Sweets and Toffee

Slab fudge flavoured strongly with coffee.

Original Receipt from Nottingham Evening Post - Thursday 3 July 1924

"TODAY we will make coffee fudge," said Wendy." Grown-ups always like coffee, so it must be, a present for somebody. "Put two cups full of white sugar into your saucepan with one cupful of strong coffee, and stir well till the sugar has melted. Now boil it for about ten minutes, or until the mixture becomes a mass round the spoon. Stir in a piece of butter the size of large walnut, then let the fudge cool the saucepan. When it is cold it will be very thick, but not set, so take a wooden spoon and beat it till is stiff paste, and no longer sticky. "Spread the fudge on buttered plate, cut it into squares, and let it dry before eating."

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