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Cheese and Onion Pie

Pies and Pastries

Now most usually a double shortcrust pie filled with sliced onions in a cheese sauce, often with potato.

Image: Unknown

Original Receipt from 'Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser' - Friday 04 July 1913

Cheese and Onion Pie.— One pound flour, 1/2 lb. lard or dripping, 1lb onions a grated cheese. Boil onions until soft. Make pastry, and line a large dinner plate. Chop onions, and lay on paste. Grate a little cheese (American preferred) over the onions, add seasoning, and cover with pastry. Time for cooking as for ordinary paste.

Original Receipt from 'Daily Herald' - Tuesday 04 November 1930

Cheese and Onion Pie 1 lb., onions, 1lb cheese. cup milk. 1 oz. butter. 1 dessertspoonful flour. Parboil the onions, slice them fairly thickly and arrange in a greased pie-dish alternate rows of onion and sliced cheese. Pour over a white sauce made with the flour, milk and butter (blend the flour with a little of the milk before cooking). Sprinkle with seasoned breadcrumbs, dot with butter and bake half hour in hot oven.

See also: Cheese and Onion Tart, Cheshire Onion Pie


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