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Buttered Apples

Puddings and Sweet Deserts
West Country

Sliced apple, rolled in sugar and fried in butter. Sometimes accompanied by fried bread cubes. (Acton 1845, J.Salmon, etc).

Original Receipt in 'A Shilling Cookery for The People' by Alexis Soyer (Soyer 1845);

383. Buttered Apples.-Peel, slice, and core one pound of apples, put into a frying-pan about two ounces of butter, add the apple, and cover over with two ounces of pounded sugar; put them in the oven until done. A very nice dish lor children. When done, they may be dished up on a nice crisp piece of toast with sugar over.

Original Receipt from 'Chats with Housekeepers' by Phillis Browne, reported in the 'Newcastle Courant' - Friday 14 September 1883

Buttered Apples.-This dish is very old-fashioned, but it is both excellent and wholesome. The addition of butter and sugar mellows and enriches cooked apples and renders them particularly delicious, that is if the fruit is to be eaten hot. If it is to be eaten cold the addition of cream or milk is to be preferred. Pare and core some large apples, put them in a deep dish, and fill the hollows with butter and sugar. Put a cover on the dish, and set them in a cool oven, and cook them gently through, basting them occasionally with the butter. Buttered apples ought not properly to lose their shapes, but they are often served upon a layer of apple pulp.

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