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Belvoir House Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Baked sponge pudding with glace cherries, angelica, rum (or sherry) and coffee flavouring mixed-in.

Original Receipt from J.Salmon

Belvoir House Pudding

4oz butter
4oz caster sugar
2 eggs, beaten
4oz flour
1/2 teaspoonful baking powder
Pinch of salt
2oz glace cherries, chopped
1/2 oz angelica, chopped
1 tablespoon coffee essence or 2 tablespoons cold black coffee
2 tablespoons rum or sherry

Set oven to 350ºF or Mark 4. In a bowl, cream the butter until soft then add the sugar, mixing until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs a little at a time. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt together, and fold into the mixture. Mix the cherries and angelica together and stir in, with the coffee and alcohol. Turn into a 11/2 to 2 pint dish or tin, bake for 35-40 minutes, covering the top with foil if it browns too quickly. Turn out and serve with sherry-flavoured whipped cream or custard.

Serves 4

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