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Beef in Beer

Meat and Meat Dishes

Beef chunks stewed in rich beer, often stout, usually with onions, herbs and a small amount of bacon, sometimes with mushrooms.

Although this dish is extremely popular and, beef and beer having been English staples for centuries, presumably has been cooked for centuries, we can find no early receipts for it.

The original source of this receipt isn't known. Can you help? editor@foodsofengland.co.uk

2 lbs beef, cubed
4 oz streaky bacon, chopped
4oz butter or dripping
5 medium onions, peeled and thinly sliced
1 1/2 tbsp flour
1 pint dark beer
2 to 3 sprigs fresh thyme
1 bay leaf
salt and pepper

Melt the fat in a cooking pot over a medium heat, add the seasoned beef and bacon and stir until brown. Add onions, reduce the heat, cook 'till soft. Add the flour and stir in until the flour begins to brown. Add the beer and stir until it begins to thicken. Add the herbs, cover and cook over a low heat, or in the oven, for about 2 hours or until the beef is soft.

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Email: editor@foodsofengland.co.uk