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Asparagus Soup


Asparagus is always a pureed cream soup, often made with onion. Sometimes served cold.

See also: Beeton's Asparagus Soup

Original Receipt from 'The lady's assistant for regulating and supplying her table' by Charlotte Mason (Mason 1777);

Asparagus Soup.

CUT four or five pounds of beef to pieces; set it over a fire, with an onion or two, a few cloves, and some whole black pepper, a calf's foot or two, a head or two of celery, and a very little bit of butter. Let it draw at a distance from the fire; put in a quart of warm beer, and three quarts of warm beef stock. Let these stew till enough; strain it, take off the fat very clean, put in some asparagus heads cut small (palates may be added, boiled very tender), and a toasted French roll, the crumb taken out.

Original Receipt from 'The Cook's Oracle' by William Kitchiner (Kitchiner 1830)

Asparagus Soup. (No. 222)
This is made with the points of asparagus, in the same manner as the green pease soup is with pease: let half the asparagus be rubbed through a sieve, and the other cut in pieces about an inch long, and boiled till done enough, and sent up in the soup: to make two quarts, there must be a pint of heads to thicken it, and half a pint cut in; take care to preserve these green and a little crisp. This soup is sometimes made by adding the asparagus heads to common pease soup.
Obs. Some cooks fry half an ounce of onion in a little butter, and rub it through a sieve, and add it with the other ingredients; the haut goût of the onion will entirely overcome the delicate flavour of the asparagus, and we protest against all such combinations.


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