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Yorkshire Crackney


Form of thin pasty filled with dark dried fruit. Similar to Sad Cake.

Compare with: Cracknels

The word does not occur in any of the 19th Century dialect glossaries, but is know to our correspondents. The 1975 'Yorkshire through the years' by Ian Dewhirst has; "Women baked mountains of plain loaves and spice loaves for the occasion, cakes and plain crackneys and currant crackneys."

Our correspondant Steve Bingham tells us (Dec. 2016) that; "When I lived in Keighley West Yorkshire in the1970s you could buy crackney in butcher's shops. they were discs of pie crust pastry about 12 cm in diameter and 8mm thick studded with currants and would normally be eaten buttered. they were not a sandwich format like Chorley cakes."

Pete Kiddle, (Jan 2019) tells us of crackney, that; "I was born in Keighley, West Riding in the 30s and grew up with it. It was a way of using up spare pastry left over after baking other pastry goods. Rather than throwing it away it was rolled thinly in a circular shape. A pile of currants was placed in the centre with sugar and a knob of butter. The surrounds were brought up to meet in the middle and the whole lot rolled out flat with the rolling pin. Imagine a flattened Eccles cake with the currants embedded in the pastry. The top was lightly scored in a cross with a knife so that after baking it could be easily broken into four. It was buttered before eating. I still make them occasionally when I bake a large apple pie."

Possibly Yorkshire Crackney, possibly not
Image: http://www.thecakerecipe.co.uk

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