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Turnip Bread


Bread made with turnip pulp and wheat flour. Invariably presented as an emergency ration, rather than a treat. The method does not vary across more than 120 known receipts from the one below dated to 1693 up to the Second World War.

Original Receipt from 'Ipswich Journal' - Saturday 04 December 1756

[This text contains the old-fashiond long 's' - ſ ]

In the Tranſactions of the Royal Society, in No. 1 205, p. 970, I find Mr. Samuel Dale mentions, that in the year 1693, all ſorts of corn was very dear in England, which occaſioned many people in Eſſex to make turnip bread. The manner of preparing it was thus; Take turnips, peel and bod them until they become ſoft. and tender, then preſs ſtrongly out the juice, chop them ſmall, and mix them with an equal quantity of wheaten meal, add ſalt and barm, with a ſufficient quantity of water, and knead it up as other dough or paſte, let it ſtand a little time to ferment or riſe, then order and bake it as common bread. This turnip bread was not to be diſtinguiſhed from common bread, either to the eye, taſte, or ſmell, except to very nice palates, who perceived a ſmall flavour of the turnips. Theſe roots may be now dug out and preſerved in ſand or dry earth, for ſeveral months

Original Receipt from The Encyclopedia of Practical Cookery, 1891

Turnip Bread. - Boil some turnips till tender, press out the juice, and when the pulp is dry beat it very fine; mix with this the same quantity of flour, and season with salt. Knead, let the dough rise a little, and then bake like ordinary Bread.

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