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Minced pork with raisins and spices, wrapped in paste and boiled. Served with a meat sauce.

This is the old English version of a meat-in-paste dumpling of the sort still made as 'Pierogi' in Eastern Europe, 'Tortellini' and 'Ravioli' in Italy, 'Jiaozi' in China etc.

The similar Gergian 'Khinkali'

Original Receipt in 'The Forme of Cury' by the Chief Master-Cook of King Richard II, c1390 (Cury 1390)

Take pork ysode and grynde it small with safroun, medle it with ayrenn and raisons of coraunce and powdour fort and salt, and make a foile of dowhz and close the fars žerinne. cast že Tartletes in a Panne with faire water boillyng and salt, take of the clene Flessh withoute ayren & bolle it in gode broth. cast žerto powdour douce and salt, and messe the tartletes in disshes & helde the sewe žeronne.

[Take pork chopped and grind it small with saffron, mix it with eggs and currants and spice powder and salt, and make a thin foil of dough and close the mixture therein. Cast the Tartletes in a pan with fair water boiling and salt. Take of clean meat, without eggs, and boil it in good broth. Cast thereto spice powder and salt, and present the tartletes in dishes & cast the stew thereon.]

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