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Beatrice Pudding


Sweet dessert of a set egg confection topped with plain meringue and blobs of jam.

Original Receipt from 'Every Day Meals' by Mary Hooper, 1877

Beatrice Pudding

Soak a quarter of a pound of light bread in half a pint of new milk, add an ounce of very fresh beef kidney suet, shred as finely as possible. Boil, stirring vigorously until this becomes firm, take it off the fire, stir in the beaten yolks of two eggs, and put the pudding into a buttered tart dish. Bake in a moderate oven for half an hour, then spread over the top of the pudding, which should not more than half fill the dish, a layer of orange marmalade. Whisk the whites of two eggs to a firm froth, mix lightly with them a quarter of a pound of the finest sifted sugar, spread this meringue mixture over the marmalade, put the pudding again into the oven, which must be slow, and let it remain until the top is a light golden brown.

Original Receipt from 'Yorkshire Gazette' - Saturday 03 May 1913, p11

One heaped teaspoonful of ground rice, one egg, one pint of milk, one ounce of castor sugar. Mix ground rice smooth paste with a little of the milk. Boil the remainder the milk with the sugar. Pour over the mixture, stirring all the time. Add the yolk of the egg, then return to the saucepan, and stir until thickens, which it will do as soon the mixture boils. Pour all into dish. Whip up the white the egg stiff froth, and place in rocky heaps top of the pudding. Place in the oven few minutes to set, then in between the rocky heaps of egg put a little raspberry jam. This pudding is delicious, either hot cold, and has also the advantage of being nourishing well as inexpensive. - Miss Benson, 21, Montague-st., Bishopsthorpe-road, York.

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